First Full Meeting of GC44 Executive
On November 18 and 19, 2022, the 44th General Council Executive (GCE) will have its first full meeting after gathering in person for orientation in September. The upcoming meeting will occur virtually. The meeting is structured around the three statements of the new United Church Call―Deep Spirituality, Bold Discipleship, Daring Justice—and will include elements of worship and community-building among the Executive members.
The Executive will be considering some items referred to them from General Council 44 related to ministry personnel and essential agreement, ending a pastoral relationship, and a way forward for designated lay ministry. Other items on the agenda include the strategic and operational plan (2023─2025), operating budget principles for 2023, and a proposal on a Covenant of Reconciliation related to Truth and Reconciliation Call to Action 46. The GCE will receive reports from the General Secretary and Moderator, and consider its ways of working, including how best to facilitate relationships and communications with Commissioners, including observation in subsequent meetings.
Materials for this meeting are available on the United Church Commons. Please navigate to Governance > General Council Executive > GC44 Executive.
A summary of the outcomes of this meeting will be available on this website no later than November 22.