GC44 annual meeting: Oct. 21, 2023
The Annual Meeting of the 44th General Council is Saturday, Oct. 21, 11:30 a.m.-4 p.m. EST
We are using the CHURCHx platform for the meeting. When you register, you will find agendas, documents, for the meeting and other resources all in one place.
Commissioners: you will receive an email from CHURCHx in the next week or so inviting you to set up an account on CHURCHx if you do not already have one; this will enable you to register for the meeting. Once you have registered, you will receive regular email updates with information about the meeting.
For those who wish to observe the meeting, it will be livestreamed. Information about the livestream will be available closer to the meeting.
More information on registration will follow.
For minutes and summaries from the 44th GCE meetings, please go to United Church Commons, Shared-Publicly/Governance/General Council Executive/GC44 Executive (2022-2025).