Task group members appointed
Two task groups will consider equity as an integral part of their work, which will wrap up in 2025. The Total Compensation Task Group will consider equity issues in its research and recommendations. The purpose of the Task Group on Apology is to apologize for equity issues related to the church’s relationship with 2S LGBTQIA+ individuals and communities.
Total Compensation Review Task Group (March 2025)
- TBD, chair to be named from the General Council Executive members.
- Elizabeth Brown (Ordained Minister, Prairie to Pine)
- Oliver Dingwell (Ordained Minister, First Dawn Eastern Edge)
- Beth Martin (Lay, Pacific Mountain)
- Bri-anne Swan (Diaconal Minister, Shining Waters)
- Janice Sydney (Lay, Horseshoe Falls)
As named by the National Indigenous Council (for information):
- William Harasymow (lay person, Pacific Mountain)
- Ashley Keeping (lay person, First Dawn Eastern Edge)
Task Group on Apology to Two Spirit and LGBTQIA+ Communities (December 2025)
- Michiko Bown-Kai (Ordained Minister, Western Ontario Waterways)
- Christine Dolson (Lay Person, Pacific Mountain)
- Tricia Gerhard (Ordained Minister, Prairie to Pine)
- Fred Monteith (Ordained Minister, Western Ontario Waterways)
- Steven Shales (Lay Person, Antler River Watershed)
These appointments align, respectively, with the strategic objectives of Nurture the Common Good and Embolden Justice, as well as Invigorate Leadership: Adapting and Innovating for Bold Discipleship.
To review the proposals and reports provided for this most recent General Council annual recall meeting, go to commons.united-church.ca > Governance > General Council > 44th General Council (2022) > Meeting Documents > 2023-10 Annual Meeting.